Grease Paper Dolls

Olivia Newton-John to be featured in a New Grease Paper Doll Set

“Grease,” the hugely popular musical movie hit of 1978 was based on a nostalgic view of fictional 1959 Rydell High School. It is about to become a paper doll set, a specially packaged presentation to be published by Paper Studio Press in 2009. The set will feature paper dolls representing Sandy as portrayed by Australian star, Olivia Newton John, as well as paper dolls representing supporting characters, Frenchy and Rizzo. The set will be created by artist David Wolfe, an acknowledged expert in fashion history. He says he is intrigued by the double nostalgia of the ‘70s versions of ‘50s fashion as presented in the mega-hit film.

The character of Sandy Olsson will become two paper dolls because she had two distinctly different looks in the film. First, sweet Sandy was seen as a wholesome exchange student who was as clean-cut as a girl can be. The film’s finale revealed a new facet of the character when cool Sandy appears in skin-tight black and high heels, hair curled to impress Danny Zuko, the leader of Rydell High’s T-Bird gang. The paper doll set will include clothes for both sides of Sandy.

Frenchy and Rizzo are members of the Pink Ladies, a cool bunch of high school girls. Frenchy is the beauty school drop-out while Rizzo is the ultimate of high school sophisticates. Their fashions reflect the period and also their own personalities.

Paper Studio Press is privileged to have been authorized by Paramount Studios to create and publish this unique paper doll set. We hope to have the set on the market by August 2009.

Grease ™ & © 2011 Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

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